Hi-Drive dynamic website - Go-Live! 18.08.2022 | The European flagship project now has its official website.

As of today we have a dynamic website up and running!


The site will serve as the primary source for information on the project.

  • In the NEWS & EVENTS section we will keep you posted on our progress and any upcoming or past events.
  • In the DOWNLOADS section we will have every publication by the project at your disposal. That includes presentation slides, scientific publications, reports, press articles and any other project related material.

In addition a vast amount of generated DATA will also be made available for download in the same section.


Please do not hesitate to contact us in case you miss any information.

We invite you to follow our activities and learn more about Hi-Drive and the challenges we are tackling in the field of automated driving and the ODD. We hope you will enjoy the ride!

Your Hi-Drive team.

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