In an effort to further develop and advance the implementation and cooperation of automated driving technologies, SIP-adus has conducted its yearly workshop since 2014. This year’s 4 days’ workshop was held in cooperation with Doshisha University in Kyoto and marked the final year of the second phase of SIP. The efforts and successes throughout the world were largely summarized through panel discussions with experts representing the US, EU and Japan, the layout of the latest status of studies for each area and activities, poster exhibitions, and the showcasing of automated vehicles.
This SIP-adus congress was a great success with a total of 487 participants including 99 researchers from 18 countries and regions.
Aria Etemad (Volkswagen), Hi-Drive project coordinator, and Satu Innamaa (VTT) had lots of formal and informal discussions about the project. In addition to the presentations they each held, Aria participated in a panel discussions reflecting on the challenges that further need to be addressed towards the deployment of higher automation.
For more information, please visit the website:
SIP-adus workshop2022 – SIP-adus Automated Driving for Universal Service
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