EUCAR Annual Reception and Conference 2024 24.10.2024 | Brussels, Belgium | 23-24 October 2024

Hi-Drive Participates in EUCAR Reception & Conference 2024


The Hi-Drive Project was present at this year’s EUCAR Reception Conference, held on October 23-24 at Autoworld in Brussels. This event marked EUCAR’s 30th anniversary of innovating with impact, and attendees were welcomed to explore a range of highlights, including vehicle demonstrations from EUCAR members, projects focused on sustainability and digitalization, and high-level panels.

As an exhibitor, Hi-Drive featured a booth organized by project partners Volkswagen and TU Delft, showcasing the MATE-AV (Motion Anticipation Training Environment for Automated Vehicles) initiative, which addresses motion sickness in automated vehicles.

Aria Etemad, Hi-Drive Project coordinator, opened the Parallel Technical Session on “Digitalisation of Road Transport.” This session included interactive discussions on challenges and research needs related to artificial intelligence, automated driving, and advancements in battery technologies and the circular economy. The Fishbowl format encouraged participant engagement through short presentations.

The conference also included keynotes from industry leaders and the presentation of a new research vehicle by Volkswagen, highlighting ongoing efforts in the automotive field. EUCAR’s celebration of three decades of innovation underscored the collaborative spirit and commitment to advancing the future of mobility.

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