In 2024, the Transport Research Arena (TRA) took place in Dublin, Ireland, under the theme “Transport Transitions: Advancing Sustainable and Inclusive Mobility.” This premier event once again brought together experts from around the world to discuss the latest innovations and the future of mobility and transport. The goal of TRA2024 was to advance the development of innovative solutions aimed at achieving more efficient, safer, carbon-free, accessible, and sustainable transport across all modes.
TRA2024 provided an excellent platform for researchers, policymakers, and industry representatives to converge and contribute to the discourse on how research and innovation can transform the transport and mobility system. Aria Etemad, the Hi-Drive project coordinator, was on site to represent the project, engaging in strategic conversations and networking with key stakeholders.
Hi-Drive, the European flagship project, was prominently featured at the European Commission’s stand in Hall 1. The exhibit showcased Roadshow Videos from its “Large Scale Demonstration Campaign”, along with an array of informative materials. Additionally, Hi-Drive was highlighted at the stand of one of its project partners,
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