Navigating the Future of Automated Driving

Automated driving (AD) holds the promise of transforming mobility with opportunities for enhanced road safety and environmental benefits. However, the successful deployment of AD technologies hinges not just on the technology itself, but also on the public’s understanding and acceptance of these advancements. The Hi-Drive User Education Campaign aims to bridge this knowledge gap and foster a well-informed user base.

Campaign Overview

Running from November 2023 to October 2024, this digital campaign has been translated into 10 languages and spans 11 European countries.
Spearheaded by the FIA Region I network of automotive and mobility clubs, including ACI (Italy), ADAC (Germany), AMZS (Slovenia), ANWB (The Netherlands), Autoliitto (Finland), HAK (Croatia), IAM Road Smart (UK), MAK (Hungary), MCF (France), RACB (Belgium), and RACC (Spain), the initiative focuses on raising awareness about the diverse driver assistance and automated driving features available in today’s vehicles on European roads.

Goals and Objectives

The primary objectives of the Hi-Drive campaign are to:

  • Dispel common misconceptions about automated driving.
  • Encourage safe driving practices.
  • Promote the tangible benefits of automated vehicles.

By educating users on 14 automated driving functions (ADFs), ranging from basic driver assistance to advanced systems (levels 0 to 3 as per the Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) classification), the campaign aims to foster a deeper understanding of these technologies. This knowledge foundation is crucial for the broader acceptance and effective utilization of AD features.

Understanding Automated Driving Functions

The campaign emphasizes the spectrum of automated driving functions, which include:

  • Driver Assistance Functions
    Basic features that assist drivers in tasks like lane keeping and adaptive cruise control
  • Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS)
    More sophisticated systems that provide enhanced support but still require driver oversight
  • Automated Driving Functions (ADFs)
    Emerging technologies that can perform certain driving tasks independently within defined parameters


It is important for users to recognize that while these technologies offer significant benefits, they also have limitations.
Most automated driving functions currently available still require the driver’s full attention and readiness to intervene.

Promoting Safe and Informed Driving

By highlighting the capabilities and limitations of current AD technologies, the Hi-Drive campaign promotes responsible use and realistic expectations among drivers. This balanced approach ensures that the integration of automated vehicles into daily life enhances safety and efficiency without compromising awareness.

ADAS User Training Programme

In the rapidly advancing field of automotive technology, the development of Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) represents a significant leap towards safer and more efficient driving. However, the true potential of these innovations can only be realized if users are well-educated about their capabilities and limitations. This is where comprehensive user training programmes become indispensable.

By bringing together industry leaders, researchers, and policymakers, FIA Region 1 and Hi-Drive develop and implement effective user training programmes across Europe. These programmes provide hands-on experience and expert guidance, fostering greater acceptance and confidence in using ADAS, which enhances road safety.

As the automotive industry continues to innovate, it’s crucial that these advancements benefit end-users!

To give you a closer look at this initiative, we invite you to watch the clip below illustrating the workshop that marked the initial phase in preparing and executing the Hi-Drive’s European User Training Programme for ADAS:

The Hi-Drive User Education Campaign is a proactive step towards shaping a future where automated driving technologies are seamlessly integrated into our transportation ecosystem.

By educating the public, the campaign aims to make roads safer and more sustainable, aligning innovation with responsibility.


#HiDriveProject #UserEducationCampaign #SafeDrivingPractices #Benefits #ADFs #TomorrowsMobility

Downloads and Campaign Material

Please find the links to all websites and social media channels used by our partnering mobility clubs to disseminate the Hi-Drive User Education Campaign – and make sure to follow!

FIA Region I

Specific resources:

ACI – Automobile Club d’Italia (Italy)

Specific resources:

ADAC – Allgemeiner Deutscher Automobil-Club e.V. (Germany)

Specific resources:

AMZS Avto-moto zveze Slovenije (Slovenia)

Specific resources:

anwb – The Royal Dutch Touring Club (The Netherlands)

Specific resources:


AL Autoliitto (Finland)

Specific resources: (for members only)

HAK Hrvatski Autoklub (Croatia)

IAM Road Smart (UK)

Magyar Autoklub (Hungary)

Specific resources:

MCF mobilité club france (France)

Specific resources: (for members only)

RACC Real Automóvil Club de Cataluña (Spain)

Specific resources:

RACB Royal Automobile Club of Belgium (Belgium)

Explore the Hi-Drive YouTube channel’s playlist featuring all 11 language versions of the animated User Education Campaign video:

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